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Filecoin, IPFS, libp2p Ecosystem WG: October 2022 All Hands Recap

The Ecosystem WG is a collection of 100+ people across 6+ organizations that are passionate about the long-term adoption of web3 and dedicated to growing the Filecoin, IPFS, and libp2p ecosystems. Every month the working group gathers to share the latest updates, highlights, and deep-dives on what’s happening across the ecosystem.

There’s a lot to cover for October ‘22, so get some coffee and settle in to watch a quick recap of everything that happened. Or if you prefer reading, find the details below.

The Network’s Fast-Paced Growth

The ecosystem updates show that decentralized storage adoption is not slowing down anytime soon. The Filecoin Network continues to grow with a continual increase in the amount of data being stored on the network, and a executing a higher capacity of deals.

  • Storage capacity remained at a whopping 18.8 EiB
  • Data stored on the network grew 76 PiB, from 139 PiB to 215 PiB
  • Over 1.2 million deals were closed this month, for a total of 8 million

An important part of this progress has been the onboarding of over 1,000 unique web2 clients, 15% of which have uploaded over 100 TiB of data. This is aside from the network’s most popular use cases which include the storage of over 92.7 million NFTs — a 6.7 million jump from last month!

Shining a Spotlight on What’s Happening Across the Ecosystem

Numbers only tell half the story. The ecosystem has been active lately with events, developments, and new projects building with Filecoin. Watch the Spotlights section to learn more about them.

FIL-Singapore was a blast. Over 1,600 builders attended the event and many more tuned in to watch online. The event featured a keynote address from Juan Benet and a fireside chat with former presidential candidate Andrew Yang.

FILVC Demo Day was also a huge success. The first-ever event attracted over 300 investors who heard from 26 startups building in the web3 and decentralized storage ecosystem. Stay tuned to the Filecoin Slack for more information on the next one.

The FEVM stream on Twitch was a quick way to get started on the ongoing developments of the FVM roadmap. The live-coding video walked builders through the process of deploying a Solidity smart contract on the Filecoin Ethereum Virtual Machine.

The Storage Provider Sales Kit is an important resource containing battle cards, email templates, client presentations, and client FAQs developed to help you grow your SP operations. It also includes an interesting case study featuring SP Greaterheat. Sign up to gain access.

The Storage Provider Lenders Page is the place to go for funds that help finance SP operations. Some lenders include CoinList, Anchorage Digital Bank, and Darma Capital.

Fileverse is an open source, private, easy-to-use, on-chain tool for collaboration between blockchain addresses. It works like a WeTransfer of GoogleDrive that’s built on IPFS’ robust p2p infrastructure. Take a look and start using Fileverse.

SuperFun is a creator-owned social platform focused on memes and fun content. The platform relies on Filecoin for the decentralized storage of all its data.

Get All the Details with Deep Dives

Finally, take some time to hear an in-depth explanation of other important developments in the ecosystem.

Zondax’s research and development went into everything that’s going on with the development of a Filecoin Virtual Machine Assemblyscript SDK.

Glitter Protocol, an open content indexing protocol on Filecoin, shared new work on improving data curation on decentralized networks.

Starboard showcased Spacescope, a community-powered network intelligence protocol that produces accessible and verifiable APIs for blockchain network activities.

You can also watch a full recording of the All Hands meeting. And if you or your team want to be a part of our work groups or would like to be featured in one of our next public all hands, make sure to reach out at [email protected].

Filecoin is an open-source cloud storage marketplace, protocol, and incentive layer.