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Filecoin Launchpad Accelerator II: Infrastructure and Dev Tools

On September 28th, 20 teams took part in a demo day hosted by the Filecoin Launchpad Accelerator, run by Tachyon. This accelerator is a 6-week course dedicated to incubating young Web3 companies. Below is an overview of the infrastructure and dev tools projects that emerged from the accelerator and presented during Demo Day. The entire Demo Day is available here.

CID Gravity

CID Gravity is helping create a layer of trust between Filecoin stakeholders, de-risking their data and incentivizing storage providers.

What is CID Gravity?

With the vast amount of digital storage needed for the world in the coming decades, Filecoin provides a viable product for everyday users. Still, more work can be done to meet the demands and expectations of enterprise-level users. CID Gravity is building a system to bring Filecoin to the level of enterprise-ready.

What problem does CID Gravity solve?

Better Client Identification: It’s difficult to know who a business is dealing with in a decentralized environment. CID Gravity offers a simple way for companies to be aware of their partners.

Block Untrusted Clients: Clients that don’t form part of the trusted network outlined by CID Gravity’s protocol can be added to a blacklist to keep them away from legitimate businesses.

Keep Control of Data: Businesses need to have control of their data, so they can utilize and apply it as they see fit.

International enterprises face difficulties with adopting decentralized storage and processing because they typically don’t maintain KYC data. What’s more, many of these decentralized systems can’t be expected to conform to KYS (Know-Your-Supplier) data. Both of these are core concerns in enterprise-level data storage. CID Gravity offers services that help deal with the shortcomings of decentralized storage networks and allow for more straightforward estimation in pricing for storage on the network.

Learn more about CID Gravity

Interested in everything CID Gravity is trying to accomplish? Check them out here:


SkillWallet provides Role-Based NFT IDs that help build communities in Web3.

What is SkillWallet?

At the heart of all Web3 interaction and decentralized communities in general is the Decentralized Autonomous Organization, or the DAO. However, DAOs face an uphill battle by having to manage entire communities without the proper set of tools and features. SkillWallet hopes to make Web3 communities more secure through a Web3 NFT. The NFT is non-transferable and helps define a DAO member’s role within the community.

What problems does SkillWallet solve?

  • Scattered Community: When a new person joins a DAO, it is highly likely that they don’t know where all the information is or who to ask for help.
  • Potential Underhanded Actions by Silent Members: A silent member could potentially change how a DAO operates by making new accounts and then using them as leverage to impact votes on public policy. It’s the equivalent of buying votes on a DAO.

DAOs were designed to be autonomous, but the crux of the matter is that they need to have roles outlined to get anything done. A collection of individuals who are fans of something, without any natural role division, may start several projects but finish none of them. SkillWallet allows creating and assigning roles linked to a non-transferable NFT that identifies each individual but doesn’t compromise their personal identity or data. This innovation could be a turning point for how Web3 communities identify users and assign tasks.


A Community-Operated weather network that gives station owners rewards and offers accurate weather forecasting to Web3 services.

What is WeatherXM?

Weather is something most people don’t think about too much, but accurate forecasts are absolutely vital for logistics and supply chains. WeatherXM is helmed by a company providing over five years of weather forecasting services to airports and seaports all over Greece. They now want to take their knowledge to the decentralized web and offer these weather services to the communities and developers there.

What problem does WeatherXM solve?

  • Lack of Accurate Reported Data: There aren’t that many weather stations out there, and the existing ones tend to be managed by governmental agencies. They’re also limited by coverage area.
  • High Cost of Operation and Maintenance: Weather stations are expensive since the equipment needed to run them is very specific. Training to use this equipment is also costly, leading to a shortage of specialists able to read the data, let alone verify its accuracy.

WeatherXM is a revolution in weather reporting and data mining since it created its own self-contained, low-cost weather stations that individual users can deploy. Using Web3 protocols, these stations act as oracles, allowing users to tap into real-time data at any location. Users then aggregate that data which is then loaded onto the blockchain for everyone to use. The company is looking at building a completely community-powered weather network.

Learn more about WeatherXM

Interested in learning more about WeatherXM? Find out all the details here:

Autonomy Network

Decentralized Automation - helping decentralized exchanges grow volume.

What is Autonomy Network?

Autonomy within the decentralized web is inevitable and Autonomy Network provides a framework for autonomy for decentralized exchanges.

What problem does Autonomy Network solve?

  • Better Risk Management for Users: Crypto trading, yield farming, etc., requires constant supervision, but humans aren’t built for constantly being alert.
  • Approachability For Apps: dApps currently require a massive investment to make bespoke automation solutions that suit their app directly. These can be costly and take a lot of time to build.

Crypto traders, decentralized exchanges, and dApp developers have struggled with risk management implementations. Autonomy Network provides a simple way to access risk management, like limits and stops, that can be integrated into any project. Autonomy Network is also not limited to automating DeFi only as it can be used to automate almost any on-chain action. Automation on Web3 is but a matter of time. Autonomy Network is the framework that will enable bots to proliferate throughout the decentralized web.

The Convo Space

The Convo Space is a framework for adding a decentralized social layer to any Web3 community.

What is The Convo Space?

With so many social platforms available, people can easily experience a ‘platform overload’. However, if there was one overarching social framework anybody could be linked to seamlessly and from anywhere on the internet, things might be a bit better. The Convo Space helps any Web3 platform develop a social layer and achieve the above.

What problem does The Convo Space solve?

  • Lost Messages or Discussions: It can be challenging to find where a single conversation or message went with people connected on several social media networks.
  • Disconnection: Today, conversations happen within a limited space — on the app of a particular social platform. Executing an action, for example clicking on a link, removes you from the platform. We’ve all experienced it and the annoyance is real.

The Convo Space hopes to circumvent this annoyance by building a framework that links seamlessly between Web3 platforms, allowing users to stay connected no matter where on the internet they may be. The aim is to remove siloing from channels and make conversations a more human experience. The Convo Space attempts to bring composability to the Web3 space. If users want to shift communities, all their conversations can go with them, not limiting the discussion to a single site. Users will never have to start from scratch. Each single data point is connected to the blockchain. Artists and developers can connect to their audience and take them wherever they go.

Learn more about The Convo Space

Want in on this newly burgeoning conversational space on the decentralized web? Check it out and learn more:

Filecoin is an open-source cloud storage marketplace, protocol, and incentive layer.